Daily Schedule
9:05am-9:15am *Drop Off
9:15am-10:40am Center Time
10:40am-10:25am Clean-up
10:45am-11:00am Music & Movement
11:00am-11:15am Circle Time
11:15am-11:30am *Story Time /Bathroom
11:30am-11:45am Snack Time
11:45am-12:15pm *Outside play
12:15pm *Pick up outside
*Drop off is done in the coat room where an adult must wait with the child until the special day friend welcomes their classmates into the center time room
*Children will meet their families outside for pick up
*We will break up into 2 groups: half go to use the restrooms and wash their hands, half will have story time. Then the groups switch.
** In case of inclement weather, heavy rain, or 10 degrees F and colder, we will keep the children in the Circle Time room for active playtime.
Our day at preschool begins with "Center Time"; children are encouraged to investigate the Developmental Centers in the class. Both teachers are interacting with the children encouraging inquiry. The parent helper will, most likely, be assisting the children with an art/craft.
When "Center Time" is over we will all clean up the classroom and proceed to "Music & Movement" & "Circle Time". This is when the child with the parent helper will have the opportunity to share one item from home while sitting in the Special Day chair. During Circle Time we will focus on: listening and recalling stories. Calendar awareness: number recognition and number sequencing. Communication skills: discussion of topics, taking and waiting turns. Literacy skills: rhyming sounds, beginning sounds of words, alphabet recognition, and story sequencing, music appreciation: singing songs and using variety of musical instruments. As well as, body part recognition, self-control, attention span, good self-image, and following directions.
From there we will go to the bathroom & washing hands. Next will be "Snack Time", we will focus on: good table manners, nutrition, & social interaction.
Next we will prepare for "Outside Time". We will provide a variety of outdoor toys for the children to use: thus, promoting gross motor development, self control, sharing, following directions, and cooperation. Then it will be time to go home. Please be sure to Sign your child "In & Out" each school day and check cubbies and Communication file for information.
The Daily Schedule times may vary depending on outdoor weather. If it's too cold for "Outside Time", 10 or colder, we will stay in and have "Gross Motor Time".
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, we want your preschool experience to be the best possible for you and your child.
**Please send your child to school with outdoor clothing that is appropriate for the season.
- Please note the schedule times are approximate and may vary. We also do not go outside on class party days. Parties are the last half hour of the class as scheduled.