ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS for the 2025/2026 school year

    • Your child must be 3 by Sept 1st, 2025 for the Bunnies class and 4 by Sept 1st, 2025 for the Rabbits class.

    • Rabbit Creek Preschool follows ASD age cut off, as well as the ASD Calendar.

  1. The child must be toilet trained and self-sufficient in the bathroom. A reasonable effort will be made to accommodate children with special needs.

  2. Parents/guardians must provide a current shot record and a completed doctor’s health form for their child prior to the first day of class. I, the parent/guardian, am aware that my child cannot attend class until I have provided these items to the preschool. Tuition will still be owed for any resulting absences.


    Payment of the $125 non-refundable registration fee is required at the time of registration.

    • Bunnies (3-5 year olds): $230 a month

    • Rabbits (4-5 year olds) 3 day a week: $260 a month

    • Rabbits (4-5 year olds) 5 day a week:$460 a month

  4. Sibling discount – If a family has two students attending during the same school year, we will take 10% off of the younger sibling’s tuition.

  5. I understand that parent involvement is a vital part of this program. I understand that I am expected to spend one class day every 4-6 weeks assisting the teachers in the preschool classroom and to also donate my time to assist with a minimum of one school party or fundraiser event during the school year. This is a mandatory requirement.

8. I will attend the Open House with my child. Rabbits class will be held Monday, Aug 18th and the Bunnies class will be held Tuesday, Aug 19th.

9.I will read and be familiar with the Preschool Policies.

10.Tuition is due on the 1st of each month and considered late after the 10th of each month. If delinquent, I agree to pay a late fee of $25.00 for the first and second occurrence. I will read and be familiar with the tuition policy regarding 3 late payments.

Registration for the 2025/26 school year has begun!

If you would like to set up a tour (tours are given if/when space is available)

please email our admin at

admin@rabbitcreekpreschool.com or you may call 907)441-7574.

Current space available for the 2025/26 School year

Rabbits 3 day (M,W,F) 4-5year olds 9:15am-12:15pm- 8 spots

Rabbits 5 day (M-F) 4-5year olds 9:15am-12:15pm- 4 spots

Bunnies (Tues/Thurs) 3-5 year olds 9:15am-12:15pm- 4 spots

*Admin is not on site

Admin Office

Mon-Fri 9am-2pm